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Free-form Documentation

Enrichment of user guidance, beyond the automatically generated canonical content, can authored using the mark-down content in the input/pagecontent directory. the sushi init provides a single file to get started. This can be used to provide a site map to the resources, diagrams or static images

[Patient Profile](/StructureDefinition-PatientProfile.html) supports New Zealand context, for example Māori ethnicity.

Static Content

All assets are placed in the input/images directory, for example png, svg or non-image files, such as an OpenAPI Specification (OAS) in YAML format. These are published to the root directory.

New Zealand Patient use case ![alt text](/use-case.png "Use Case")
Also available [OAS.yaml](/OAS.yaml)

PlantUML Diagrams

Instead of using static images, you can defined diagrams-as-code using PlantUML files in the input/images-source directory. These require HTML tags to use.

<div width="70%">
<!-- Generated from `input/images-source/use-case.plantuml` -->
{% include use-case.svg %}